The city’s Central square (or The Fighters for Soviet Power in the far East Square) is the heart of the Vladivostok city. The Central square is the main square of Vladivostok, located at the intersection of the street Svetlanskaya and Okeanskiy Avenue. City holidays, parades, demonstrations, opposition rallies, rock concerts, fairs, competitions on street basketball are hold there.
Before the 1917 revolution, there was a city park where nannies were walking with prams and the orchestra was playing on weekends.
But on the April 29th, 1961 at the central square of Vladivostok monument to “Fighters for Soviet Power in the Far East” was built. The monument is a multi-figured composition, made of bronze. It consists of the central 30-meter high sculpture and two multi-figured groups on each side. Today it is one of Vladivostok’s most recognizable symbol.